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Copyright Notice


Copyright 2020 Hurryyy, LLC ("Hurryyy"). All Rights Reserved. All Content Copyrights and All Rights Reserved by Their Respective Owners. No Content May Be Duplicated Without Express Written Consent.

Additionally, any other content, trademarks, or other materials that may be found on Hurryyy ' website(s), app(s) or browser extension(s) that are not Hurryyy property are copyrighted by their respective owners. In no way does Hurryyy claim ownership or responsibility for these items, and you should seek legal consent from those respective parties for any use of these items.


Infringement Policy


Hurryyy is committed to respecting the intellectual property rights of others and expects our users to do the same.




We respond to claims of copyright infringement in accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act ("DMCA"). To notify us of copyright infringement on our platform, please send us a written notice by email, mail or fax that includes all of the following information:


  1. Identification of the copyrighted work you believe is being infringed.

  2. Identification of the work you believe is infringing, with information that is reasonably sufficient for us to locate it.

  3. Your name, address, phone number and email address.

  4. A statement that you have a good faith belief that use of the work in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent or the law.

  5. A statement that the information in your notification is accurate, and under penalty of perjury, you are the copyright owner or are authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that has allegedly been infringed.

  6. A physical or electronic signature of a person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the exclusive right that has allegedly been infringed.

  7. Hurryyy will treat notices that meet these requirements in accordance with the DMCA. If we have taken down any content that you believe should not have been removed, you can send us a written counter-notice by email, mail or fax. Please be sure your counter-notice meets the DMCA requirements and we will follow the process set out in the DMCA. You may find out more about the DMCA at




To notify us of trademark infringement, please send us a written notice that includes: (a) the specific trademark you claim is being infringed, (b) detailed information about the mark you claim is infringing your trademark and where to locate the infringing mark on our site, app or browser extension, (c) your name, address and email address, (d) statements that are the equivalent to #4 and #5 above but as to the trademark instead of a copyright, (e) a physical or electronic signature meeting the requirements of #6 above, and (f) the serial or registration number of your trademark if it has been registered.


To notify us of infringement of a valid and enforceable patent, please send us a written notice that includes: (a) detailed information about the product you claim is infringing your patent and where to locate the product on our site, app or browser extension, (b) your name, address and email address and (c) a copy of the relevant court order and the patent registration number.


Our Response


We will respond to all infringement notices that meet the requirements set forth above and comply with any applicable laws. We reserve the right to remove any content without prior notice and at our sole discretion. We may disable and/or terminate the accounts of users who repeatedly infringe or are repeatedly charged with infringing the copyrights or other intellectual property rights of others.


Where to Send Notices


Please send the above notices to:


Hurryyy, LLC


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